My Sister's Keeper
Director: Nick Cassavetes (2009)
Genre: Drama
- Immediate hard hitting soundtrack, accompanied with voiceover, matching image on screen "most babies are accidents" followed by a CU of a baby.
- Childs voice as voiceover- one of the main character, sympathise.
- Quick concession cuts, match on action, images on screen with voiceover tell a story, establishes a sense of narrative.
- Chosen digetic sound is hard hitting, children laughing, theme of happiness is presented.
- Followed with non digetic sound of the wind howling, highlights a change in mood.
- Cut to production company title.
- New voiceover, another character's voice, seeing the story from another perspective, which is what the director decides to do within the film.
- Range of camera angles, portraying a range of different view points, CU, MS, LS, High angle, all capture the happiness.
- Introduced to the main characters
- Voiceover continues to match on screen action
- Fade to black
- Important scenes chosen in order for the viewer to understand the narrative
- Best bits, help promote the film, makes one want to see more.
- Establishing shot, fade to title "Based on the novel by Jodi Picoll"
- Quick cuts- same location- different perspectives
- Fade transition, voice continues to match action
- Sound bridge, establish location then see character which is talking
- Subconcious selection of soundtracks all the way through- they lead the trailer
- Extremely quick cuts, highlights roller coaster effect and mirrors the films narrative showing the ups and the downs.
- Dramatised scenes chosen, scenes which make you want to see the film
- Change in narrative establishes the narrative coming to a climaz
- Fades to titles/
- Extended choice of locations
- Title of film shown at the end, finishes with the music fading out.