Director: Jon Wright (2009)
Genre: Comedy/Horror
- Concession of production company titles
- Immediate soundtrack, rock and roll ish, opens with a Mid to long shot, two characters, teenage house party environment, dark lighting, red coloured titles, all suggesting teen horror genre.
- CU of character, one liner
- Dark lighting for the majority of the trailer, reflecting horror theme.
- Fade
- Digetic sound, accent symbolic of brits, establishes setting, England.
- Thumping bassy music, range of camera angles
- Fade to black
- Non digetic sound, heartbeat, heavy breathing
- Dark Lighting, seedy, sexual action, half naked, breathing distorted, sounds like death
- Fade to black
- Sound bridge screaming, door opens- horror theme cemented
- Monster creature bursts through door, over the shoulder shot, see characters scared reaction
- Quick cuts, swearing- age certificate?!
- Title of film shown
- New soundtrack, trendy upbeat "in" music, party location, teen cast.
- Titles burst on screen, following same font as the title of the film
- Quick cuts, CU of decks, MS, boy falling in pool, chaotic atmosphere, busy, keeps the audience focused and mirrors a teenagers life.
- Varied locations
- Linear narrative sequence, introduced to main cast
- Relevant characters to the film shown (main)
- Key dialogue is chosen which is important to understand the narrative
- Very quick editing
- Dark clothing throughout, iconic of death and horror
- Howling wind, non digetic sound "i'm gonna kill you"
- Dissolves
- Killing scenes, screams with pacy editing audience is kept engaged
- Titles hold moral behind the story (classic teen scenario)
- CU of blood again iconic of death and horror
- Quick cuts, clips dont last longer than 30secs
- Strong narrative, equilibrium- disturbed- disequilbrium, trailer doesn't resolve to equilibrium, leaves the viewer wanting to see more, succesful promotion.