- Ultimately trailers are used as a marketing campaign, informing potential audiences about the film in the purpose of encouragement.
- They are particularly powerful, posters capture initial interest drawing them into the cinema, but not the excitement and atmosphere that a trailer does.
- Teaser trailers are often seen first online or played in cinemas in the early stages of the promotional campaign, designed as the name suggests 'to tease' the audience and whet their appetites for more information.
Trailers establishing Genre:
- Viewers 'decode' what can be seen and heard to establish the genre, for example conventions such as mise-en-scene, actors/actresses, for instance, Jack Black is commonly associated within the comedy genre.
- Trailers ensure awareness of who the stars are.
- There is typically a USP (unique selling point) to each film, e.g. a genre with an unusual mix, innovative use of special effects, star playing "against type".
-Trailer is similar to that of an advert- used as a persuasive text.
Information has been taken and adapted from:
A2 Media studies for OCR By Jacqueline Bennett, Tanya Jones, Julian McDougall
Teaching Trailers interactive DVD resource.